by Brian Lambert (CMIOSH-IMaPS) | Mar 17, 2020 | Compass HSC News, COVID-19
1) COVID-19 Guidance for employers The COVID-19 guidance for employers will help to assist employers and businesses in giving advice to their staff: The novel coronavirus, COVID-19 How to present the spread of all respiratory infections inclusive of COVID-19 What to...
by Brian Lambert (CMIOSH-IMaPS) | Mar 17, 2020 | Compass HSC News
Lancashire Renewables Leyland and Thornton Cleveleys, waste handling and recycling facilities fire risk assessments. Lancashire Renewables has 2 facilities that collect and recycle all the household domestic waste from the South Ribble and Chorley district (Leyland...
by Brian Lambert (CMIOSH-IMaPS) | Mar 1, 2020 | Compass HSC News, COVID-19
Dear all, Like many organisations across the United Kingdom and beyond, Compass HSC has adapted the way in which we work, in response to COVID-19. We take our responsibilities to our staff and customers extremely seriously and recognise that the rapidly evolving...
by Brian Lambert (CMIOSH-IMaPS) | Sep 29, 2019 | Compass HSC News
Health & Safety Risks – Why take the chance? Any workplace accident or injury could have a significant impact on you business with the potential loss of production time, increased insurance premiums, possible fines and compensation payments. Although there...
by Brian Lambert (CMIOSH-IMaPS) | Sep 29, 2019 | Compass HSC News
Working at Height Those of you who are familiar with our newsletter will know that the most commonly pros-ecuted offence relating to any work place injury is to do with working at height. I wanted to focus on 3 features of the working at height regulations that sort...
by Brian Lambert (CMIOSH-IMaPS) | Sep 29, 2019 | Monthly H&S Insights Newsletter
Hello and welcome to the September edition of the monthly health and safety news letter. The tragic death of a 44 year old male worker on the London Underground report-ed in the last week, apparently crushed whilst working on a travellator at Waterloo Station. Despite...
by Brian Lambert (CMIOSH-IMaPS) | Aug 22, 2019 | Monthly H&S Insights Newsletter
Hello and welcome to the August edition of the monthly health and safety newsletter. In case you have missed it we have had a completely new makeover in terms of our web site, business cards, and company Brochures—new logo after 17 years as shown on the header above....
by Brian Lambert (CMIOSH-IMaPS) | Aug 15, 2019 | Compass HSC News
Fire risk assessments Are you up to date with your fire risk assessment? The Regulatory Reform ( Fire Safety Order) 2005 places specific duties on Employers, Businesses, and those who have some degree of responsibility for maintaining properties such as landlords, and...
by Brian Lambert (CMIOSH-IMaPS) | Aug 8, 2019 | Compass HSC News
At ground level is the most common cause of injury-related accidents in the UK, the simple act of moving about the planet on our own 2 legs puts thousands of people off work every day. Falling over is often dismissed as unfortunate, clumsy even, and often does not...
by Brian Lambert (CMIOSH-IMaPS) | Aug 5, 2019 | Compass HSC News
In order to provide any service we rely on many people and we at Compass HSC are no different. From accounts to Media and Business development I am grateful to everyone who works with me to deliver the services we offer. Thanks to, Nicola Lambert – Accounts Jim Baker...