Lancashire Renewables

Lancashire Renewables Leyland and Thornton Cleveleys, waste handling and recycling facilities fire risk assessments. Lancashire Renewables has 2 facilities that collect and recycle all the household domestic waste from the South Ribble and Chorley district (Leyland...

Working at Height

Working at Height Those of you who are familiar with our newsletter will know that the most commonly pros-ecuted offence relating to any work place injury is to do with working at height. I wanted to focus on 3 features of the working at height regulations that sort...

Fire Risk Assessments

Fire risk assessments Are you up to date with your fire risk assessment? The Regulatory Reform ( Fire Safety Order) 2005 places specific duties on Employers, Businesses, and those who have some degree of responsibility for maintaining properties such as landlords, and...

Slips, Trips and Falls

At ground level is the most common cause of injury-related accidents in the UK, the simple act of moving about the planet on our own 2 legs puts thousands of people off work every day. Falling over is often dismissed as unfortunate, clumsy even, and often does not...

Meet the Team

In order to provide any service we rely on many people and we at Compass HSC are no different. From accounts to Media and Business development I am grateful to everyone who works with me to deliver the services we offer. Thanks to, Nicola Lambert – Accounts Jim Baker...